Monday, July 2, 2012

It's Been Awhile

Yes, I know. I've been lacking on the blog front lately, but nothing new has happened. Since my last post, I've had my 3rd AC treatment. One more to go and I get a three week break. My weekly Taxol infusions will start the first week I return to work. Yippee.

My oncologist is even starting to joke around with us a bit. He called me "boring" because I am no longer a new patient and I'm in the middle of this regimen with no severe side effects. My body is tolerating the meds pretty well. My white blood cell count is always fairly high on the day of the infusions (thanks to the Neupogen).

However, I cannot wait to be done with the AC infusions. I hear that Taxol will be much more tolerable. I have not been feeling well at all. My head always hurts and I am always tired. I can't even explain the feeling. It's like the medicine went straight to my head and no where else. I get the same feeling towards the end of the actual infusion. I still can't drink plain water, something I used to guzzle down before chemo. I tried sipping some water with my Tylenol a few days ago and I spit it back up. Had to take it with Sprite instead. Just thinking about water makes me queasy.

Most days, I just lie on the couch and wait for the time to pass. I feel so bad for the kids because their summer has been uneventful. No big trips or vacations here. On the weekends that I do feel better, we try and take the kids out as much as we can. We watched Brave last Saturday and on Sunday, we took them to the Aquarium of the Pacific. We got in for the kids' price since it was after 6 pm. The place was nice and empty.

I hope that I will feel better by Wednesday, in time to enjoy the 4th. Happy 4th of July, everyone! Be safe.

P.S. Tony hasn't uploaded the new chemo picture yet, it's on the point and shoot instead of the Nikon. Here is a picture from Tony's niece's engagement party on Saturday.

Kimberly and Ha's Engagement Party-Congrats to the beautiful couple! The wig I'm wearing is made of synthetic hair, but it looks pretty real if I put a hat over it. I was even given trial shampoo and conditioner from Sephora while wearing that same wig! So I guess it can pass as real hair.
Also, is anyone else watching Game of Thrones? My brother got me and Tony into it and we just can't get enough! It's an AMAZING show. <3 Ned Stark.

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