Saturday, April 7, 2012

Surgery Day

What a long day.  We got to the hospital around 10ish and checked in.  Shortly after check in we were taken into the "staging room 1".  This was where they hook up the IV and do most of the prep work.  When we first got there, a nurse greeted us with a "hey I know you".  Turns out it was one of Chinh's student's mom from three years ago.  Talk about small world.  I'm not sure what you would call it, but I'm going to call them parking spaces.  One of the things I noticed was that our "parking space" was the number 14.  In case you don't know, our wedding date was 8/14 and I thought it was a cool coincedence.  We spent most of the morning in this area.  We were tired and bored out of our minds.  At a certain point another nurse asked us if we wanted to watch TV.  Heck yes we do.  Turns out the audio wasn't working and we had to resort to close caption.  Well lets just say an Eastwood western sucks without sound.  "High Plains Drifter" if you were curious.  We were second in line for surgery.  Around 1:45 we were wheeled over to the OR staging area.  At 2:00 we said our goodbyes and she was wheeled into the OR.  I got out to the lobby and texted my BIL and asked him to bring me some food.  That Double Double combo hit the spot!  The two hours in the lobby went by pretty quick.  The doctor came out and told us everything went smoothly and that she did great. We were told to hang tight and somebody would take us to the recovery area.  When we got there she was still a little out of it.  She started coming around and we started to crack jokes.  Prior to the surgery, we were told that they were going to use a blue dye to locate the closest lymph nodes and that her face would look blue.  Well she may have looked blue if she wasn't asian.  Yellow and blue make GREEN.  We tried to take pics, but the color didn't show up with our camera phones.  We made it back to her parents house and she finally got to eat.  Her brother went to pick up some pho for her.  She really enjoyed it.  When we finally got home one of our friends dropped off some food for us and there was also a UPS package.  Some of the girls got together and got her a gift.  I can't really describe it, but I'll just attach the picture.  Thanks for the food and the gift! 

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