Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Phoenix

The Phoenix is a beautiful, mythical bird. Not only is it Dumbledore's pet in the Harry Potter series, but it is also Jean Grey's name from X-Men. Perfect. However, I can't take credit for this one. After Tony read my last post, he immediately said that Phoenix should be my name. So there it is.

On Saturday night, I read the book Butterfly Kisses and Wishes on Wings to Matthew and Peyton. It is a children's book that explains cancer to young ones. The book is written from a little boy's point of view about his mom's cancer. As soon as I started it, Matthew asked, "Is this book about you, mom?" I only read about half the book before the tears started coming. Tony had to take over. I think Peyton might be too young to understand, but at six years old, Matthew understands more than we give him credit for. I couldn't read his expression last night. Was he worried? Scared? He hasn't talked about it, but Peyton asked me to read the book again to her this morning.

It was such a busy weekend. We celebrated our niece's 3rd birthday today, and we also visited my cousin, who just had her first baby. Baby Emi is absolutely beautiful!!! I already want to see her again!

Boy, am I exhausted. My left shoulder aches so bad, I feel like it's on fire. I haven't even had a chance to look over the information on the clinical trial that my oncologist suggested. I had to grade 60 projects, just so they are ready for Open House. Playing catch up from work is no fun.


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