Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Brighter Days Ahead

The phone rings and my surgeon is on the line. He asks, "Are you ready for some good news!" "Heck, yeah!" He told me that the margins were clear on the new cancer that he found! This means no more surgery. Also, of the 15 lymph nodes that he removed on Friday, only one of them had cancer in it. He referred me to the oncologist, who I should be hearing from very soon. The oncologist will then determine my treatment.

So, to summarize, the surgeon removed the original tumor (1.4 cm), along with the additional non-invasive cancer that he found. Of the 17 total lymph nodes that were removed, two had cancer. He currently put me at a Stage 2. I am anxiously awaiting the results of the genetic testing. My follow up with the surgeon is on Friday to remove my bandages and drain. I can't wait to take a shower! I weaned myself off the narcotics, and now I'm taking plain 'ol Tylenol to control the pain. I was also able to drive Matthew to and from school today. We are making some progress, people!

Happy thoughts,


  1. That's great news Chinh! I'm thinking about you.


  2. Wonderful news!!! May God continue to bless you!

  3. Thank you for your support, ladies! Love you guys!
