Monday, April 23, 2012

Pain, Pain, Go Away

So, I really thought that I'd recover quickly from this surgery. I was actually going to cancel my sub for the rest of the week. My body responded with, "Not so fast!" Even as I sit here typing this post, I feel a little nauseated. I've been taking the pain meds prescribed by the doctor, but not consistently. I've definitely been paying the price for that.

I'm going to take a moment and put Tony on a pedestal. He has been so wonderful (not like he isn't always amazing) this past weekend. He's had to do all the household chores, on top of caring for the children and for me. He has to give me a sponge bath, wash my hair, help me dress, empty and record my drains...the list goes on and on. Oh, and tie my hair. Let's not forget about that. My close friends, D and M, came over to visit on Saturday and they saw how Tony put my hair up. Stylish, right ladies? I love him with all my heart and I am so thankful that he belongs to me. 

Ouch, my head is spinning at the moment. I will try to keep it short. Surgery went well. My follow up is scheduled for this Friday at 8:30. I hope to get the drain and my bandages removed. As for the results, I'm hoping to hear from Dr. Morton by Wednesday.

This last weekend was quite eventful. We had a quiet Saturday, but on Sunday, we celebrated Matthew's 6th birthday. He said the only difference he felt was that he was taller! Don't you love what kids say when you ask them adult questions, like "How does it feel to be 6 years old?" I'm glad the kids enjoyed themselves, because there were moments when I had to lie down and rest for a bit. Sending hugs to all our family and friends that helped to clean up after the party.

I can't finish this blog without showing you the bracelets that D and M got me. In one of my emails to them, I was wishing for brighter days ahead. They found a gorgeous little bracelet that had a ladybug on it, which perfectly symbolizes my wish. A ladybug is a sign that there will be brighter days ahead. The other bracelet is one of friendship and it says on the back "Share hopes fears." That sums up exactly what friends do with each other. Since D and M cannot always physically be by my side, I can wear the bracelets and know that they are there with me...whether it be at the hospital, at home, or even at work.


  1. I'm glad you are blogging. I was on the fwy one day and there was a message on the back of a car. Duke read it and started laughing. I found the message to be not funny I thought it was a guy being a guy but Duke told me it was from the Susan G Komen foundation. Well this is what the message said
    " Check your boobs, cause mine nearly killed me" the person driving the car was a female. And I realized that she probably beat breast cancer and that was her humorous way of reminding others to get checked.

  2. Correction the quote was just " my boobs nearly killed me" and it had the Breast cancer ribbon next to it.

  3. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!
