Thursday, April 26, 2012

Keep the Ball Rollin'

Here is tomorrow's agenda:

8:30 Follow up with my surgeon
2:00 Meeting with genetic counselor to go over results of genetic testing
3:00 Meeting with my oncologist for the 1st time to talk about treatment

I'm glad that things are moving along quickly. A little nervous about the results from the genetic testing. Who am I kidding? I'm a LOT nervous about it.

After tonight, I will be sporting a new hair-do. Bye-bye long hair!!


  1. Hope all went well today! Nice new hair-do! Forgot to ask if you could just save that hair and get it weaved to use in the future! :P Otherwise was long enough for Locks of Love! Have a great weekend and hope it's painfree!

  2. Thanks, Lisa! I thought about saving the hair and getting it made into a wig or something too. But it's all gone now. Also, since it's colored, I can't donate it to Locks of Love. I guess it's wig shopping pretty soon!
